Monday, June 17, 2013

Your Political Ideology

Summarize your results after taking the political ideology questionnaire.  Here are some to get you started:

What ideology are you? 
What beliefs put you in that category? 
Any inconsistencies?
Any surprises?


  1. My ideology, as determined by the test, is a Populist-leaning Liberal. This is in accordance with my being a socialist and supporting the common man against the elites. I also prefer that government sorts out wealth as to prevent a massive amount of inequity. However, it is inconsistent with my belief that government should have less to do with the other affairs of people, and should impose less restrictions on their lives. No surprises though. - Fusco

  2. I got Populist-Leaning Liberal. I am very much a liberal with believing in the government providing services for the people and being very democratic. Different lifestyles and people are what elevate culture and knowledge so I am all for it. That's why I got such a high personal score. I do believe in the working class people more than elites of society so populist makes sense. It was all very revealing because I never could align myself in any category completely. From what I can tell this quiz was pretty accurate.

  3. I seemed to have relatively “high” scores in both categories, scoring a 58% personal score and a 61% economic score.

    My personal score (more or less) makes sense to me. I believe many issues like abortion and sexual orientation should be undoubtedly left to the individual. To me, they’re naturally freedoms that any given individual should have control over. Also I wasn’t surprised that my pro-drug answer in personal issues was heavily weighed in my calculations. I’m not pro-drug because I myself use (I don’t), I’m mostly pro-drug because I think that often drugs become a useless money and time suck for our government. The only standout I see in my answer is that I’m basically pro death penalty, a regularly republican viewpoint (according to the chart). I suppose I was most surprised I wasn’t pushed further right because of that.

    Economically I wasn’t surprised at all with my placement. I’m very much so in favor of one’s liberty/necessity to be economically independent (or less dependent) of/on government meddling.
    To me, there’s no reason a company should be forced to do things like hire women/minorities. If women/minorities are more qualified to do “x” job, of course they should be hired, however, their hiring shouldn’t be based solely on race. Hiring should be based on merit. This placement made sense to me.
    Another issue that matched up in my mind was my anti-UN approval for military action standpoint. In my eyes, the UN is a waste. The UN’s overarching goals (things stated in their “millennium development goals” statement including: eradicate poverty and hunger, achieve universal education, etc.) are not actually close being met and thus the UN is being taken less and less seriously. There will be a day where nobody respects the UN—and for good reason.

    Overall I guess I’m pretty happy where I was placed. I think my title accurately describes my viewpoint.

    --Andrew Scolnic

  4. I am a Populist-leaning liberal. This means that I believe in a lot of government involvement with the economy, and I have a liberal view of social issues, but I don't believe in this as strongly. This was surprising to me, because I'd thought that I was very liberal with social issues, while I was much less educated about economic issues and therefore, less strongly opinionated.

  5. I am a populist leaning liberal on the political scale. My beliefs in economic regulation and no social regulation put me there. I think that the government should be in charge of creating fair economic practices and regulate big business because an entirely free market often hurts the lower-income families and benefits the wealthy. I think that the government should not be involved in social issues like prohibiting abortion and gay marriage. All should be treated equally and it is not up to the government to regulate people's actions based on what one group considers "moral" or "immoral." These standards of morality are often based off of religion, and our government was designed to embody a separation of church and state. There were no inconsistencies in my beliefs and I was not surprised that I landed where I did on the political spectrum.

  6. My ideology is libertarian-leaning conservative. People of this ideology are economically conservative and socially liberal. They support small government, less taxes, and less government spending. However, they have liberal social views and support gay marriage and the right to abortion. This ideology is somewhat consistent with my beliefs, however, I'd categorize myself as more of a moderate. For example, I supported expanding free trade and was against more federal funding for health coverage, which are typically conservative views, but I also supported the reduction of coal and oil as energy sources and the reduction of spending on armed forces, which are typically liberal views.

  7. My ideology was liberal-leaning libertarian. I scored high on both economic and personal categories with a 95 personal score and a 71 economic score. People of my ideology generally think that the government should stay out of the personal lives of people in general, and this was shown in my views on abortion, gay marriage, etc. I also favor a much more free market or laissez faire approach of the government on the economy because I think that generally governments do more damage to the economy by making it government dependent to the point that if our Federal bank announces a slight downturn in bonds or a change in interest rates then it can massively affect the stock market and this puts the government into a position where they must constantly shovel more and more money into the economy. I also think that in general private business and people run things much more efficiently than the government. Overall I was not very surprised with where I fell on the chart.

  8. I am a Populist, with a score of 38% personal and 35% economic. Populists are those who support government intervention in both social and economic issues, making them conservative in social issues and liberal in economic issues. For example, they would support increasing tax on the wealthy, and would be for enforcing drug laws. This result is consistent with my economic views, since I do believe in government intervention in the economy. However, I only align with certain social issues. I am for abortion and gay rights, but I am against affirmative action and forcing employers to hire a certain quota of women and minorities. I think that this is enforcing racism and misogyny because it's essentially telling them they aren't expected to achieve as much, and thus their standards for achievement are lower. I am also for enforcing strict drug laws because drug users can put non drug-users in danger, much as how smokers put people in danger of second hand smoke. I don't want to be on the streets when someone on heroin is driving.

  9. I am a Centrist according to this test. Centrists often either have no opinion on political affairs or, as in my case, favor government presence in certain areas of society and not in others. For example, I favored abortion, a socially liberal view, but opposed affirmative action, a socially conservative view. I had similarly conflicting viewpoints concerning the economy. I was not surprised, however, as I do not feel strongly to one side or another of the political spectrum. I understand the main points of both liberals and conservatives, such as in deficit spending, and I see how the solutions of both sides could theoretically work. I have little bias to parties and rather care about the solution to problems.

  10. I am a moderate libertarian liberal. I received a personal score of 68% and an economic score of 42%. I lean more towards being liberal socially and support more government involvement in the economy. I support more people's freedom when it comes to social issues, such as abortion. I supported more immigration to help our economy, which is a more conservative view because conservatives want to boost the economy. I also supported more efforts to expand free trade, thinking in terms of economics and comparative advantage. My results were surprising for me, because I knew I was liberal on social issues, but I thought I was much more conservative when it came to economic issues. However, I am only leaning towards it, so that is what makes a a "moderate libertarian" liberal.

  11. I took the quiz twice and got a Populist-leaning liberal and a moderate liberal. I don't really consider myself a populist, because I am very socially liberal, and I think I am an economic moderate. On the quiz I answered that I wanted to raise taxes on the wealthy, decrease arms/missile spending, and increase healthcare funding. However, I also had more traditionally conservative economic views like not linking human rights to trade and discouraging immigration. I still got a rather low economic score: 22%. My social score was much higher because I was aligned with almost very left view.

  12. I'm a slightly liberal leaning moderate. I consider myself liberal on social issues, however i feel the poll asked questions that pertained to both social and economic policies. I am more conservative in my economic policies, and have always considered myself there. Overall I'm really not surprised at all about my results, i've always considered myself extremely moderate, but slightly liberal leaning

  13. According to this test, I am liberal leaning populist, as I believe in government involvement in both economic and social policy, making me economically liberal and socially conservative. I got a score of 44% personal and 22% economic. I believe that the rich should be taxed more heavily than the poor, and that it is the government's responsibility to care for the poor. I am surprised that it said I was conservative socially, as I lean much more towards the liberal side of the actual issues. I am pro-choice, pro-LGBT rights, and anti-prayer-in-schools. I suppose that some of these questions, such as the drug legalization one, are just too vague, and I ended up answering more moderately or conservatively than I actually believe.

  14. I was identified as a "Populist-Leaning Liberal." I received a personal score of 65% and an economic score of 16%. I am liberal regarding both social issues and economic issues. For example, regarding social issues, I support freedom in almost all choices of living. However, I do support the death penalty in specific cases after a fair trial, which sways from the liberal point of view. Regarding economic issues, I do believe in government intervention in business. There are a few cases where I differed with the liberal mindset though, including that I do support fair trade so long as it does not cause environmental or humanitarian damage. I also do not think that the government should have to require companies to hire women and minorities, because at this point it should be something that happens naturally, not because they are required to do so. Finally, I do support immigration, but not for purely economic reasons as stated in the poll, rather, I think we should promote immigration for diversity and to provide a better life to those who chose to come here. I was overall not surprised by my results.

  15. David Herman
    I was categorized as a moderate Libertarian. I’m pretty liberal socially, I support abortion choice and Gay rights. On the other hand I am pretty conservative economically. I don’t support Government healthcare and want a free market economy. For the most part I want to lower taxes as well. I don’t think I have many inconsistent views but even with my conservative stance on certain topic I’m not big supporter of military spending. I also don’t really have the moral views many conservatives typically have. For example I don’t support prayer in public schools. I thought I was more conservative but obviously my stance on social issues puts me directly in as a libertarian.

  16. I am a moderate conservative, scoring a 25% on personal issues and a 75% on economic issues. I am conservative on both social and personal issues. I support stronger government regulation of illegal immigration, illegal drugs, and do not support abortion. No matter how much abortion is sugarcoated, it is still the murder of a person, who had no say in his life or death. On economic issues, I support a smaller government, less taxes, and less federal control on the common citizen. I especially fell strongly against strong taxes. The American revolution was fought, people died, over taxes that are much less than they are today. It is also unjust that some Americans have to pay more to support than others. I am a Republican. The government will not solve its debt problems by spending more money, as 8 years of the Obama administration have proven. It is time that we try a new path.

  17. I am categorized as a Moderate Libertarian Liberal,with 68% on social policies and 46% on economic policies. I think this is a pretty accurate rating of my views. I think that personal actions should involve as little government restriction as possible in issues such as abortion. Even though some claim that it is “murder”, scientifically, a fetus does not process the properties that would determine it human life, therefore it does not deserve individual rights. However, I consider that people should be allowed to own guns, which is more a conservative view, because it would prove itself handy when someone busts into your house, armed, and the police can not respond immediately. Also I would like the government to help minorities get jobs and allow immigrants into the country. First, helping minorities would make me more liberal, because liberals believe in conducts like desegregation of schools, helping minorities, enforcing civil rights laws. And by letting immigrants into the country, it would be more of a conservative conduct which leans toward the libertarian triangle for economic policies, because immigrants can help with the economy. I also believe that the wealthy should not be taxed on more than other citizens, just because they are rich and more successful, does not mean they have to have a greater amount of property and money taken away from them, and such thinking would make me more conservative in the economic field. Those being said, I am not too extreme in either of those, which adds the moderate factor into my categorization.

  18. My scores place me more toward the populist end of the spectrum, which is strange because I don’t associate myself with populism at all. I consider myself a moderate liberal on the libertarian side. While I am fairly liberal on social liberals and individual freedoms, I like a free market economy, and I don’t have any preference for Government involvement on social issues that don’t limit personal freedoms. As long as no one is impeding on my own personal freedom or rights to do whatever I want, then I don’t care what the Federal Government is doing. I’d actually prefer less Federal regulations on most things (that aren’t food safety; that needs regulation to some degree.) I’m not sure why my scores ended me on the populist side, but its probably because I support Obamacare to some extent; it doesn’t benefit me at all but the convenience of socialized healthcare keeps America on par with the rest of the democratic world, so its a necessary evil and will probably result in less federal lawsuits and spending over problems that occur when people have no healthcare.

  19. I'm a Right Conservative. My personal score is 32% and my economic score is 65%. Right conservatives share conservative economic and social views. I'm a fan of less government intervention in people's economic lives and more involvement in the creation of social policies. I wasn't really surprised with my scores considering I'm a proponent of a free market competition, and the idea that the government should address morality issues. Although I'm not shocked with my scores I believe it may not be wholly accurate because I don't think I'm as right as this quiz labeled me.

  20. According to the test, I am a Centrist. On both social and economic issues, I had conflicting views. For example, I believe that abortion should be reserved as an individual choice, a traditionally liberal point of view, but simultaneously I am against affirmative action and requiring companies to hire a certain number of women and minorities. Both instances where I voted on the more conservative side are due to my belief that skill and qualification should be the main deciding factors. I voted conservative on the death penalty as I believe that the current prison system (with limited death penalties) makes up an unnecessarily large portion of our spending but against prayer in school. On the issue of whether or not to decrease the missile program and military spending, I have no opinion since I understand that pros and cons of the liberal and conservative take. I voted for maintaining free trade, only moderate programs on the environment, and against increasing spending for healthcare. Overall, I found the quiz to accurately surmise my political ideology, although if anything, I predicted that I would be a little more right within in the moderate box on issues of economy.


  21. I am Populist-Leaning Liberal. This makes sense to me because I am for more government regulation in economy and more social freedom. I am in favor of women’s right to abortion and gay marriage and I also think that the government should have a role in balancing wealth. If one looked through the veil of ignorance, I think the only tax system that would make sense would be a system where those that can bear a greater burden take it so that those that can’t aren’t. Therefore I was not surprised by my score.

  22. I am a moderate liberal. I am not surprised by the results because I am mostly for government action on the economy and social matters but not always. I believe that intervention in the economy can lead to less disparity between rich and poor, by implementing government programs. I also believe in social regulations and new interpretations of the constitution to protect our safety and freedoms in modern days, like stricter gun laws, and freedom of choice. I am still figuring out what my opinions mean in the grand scheme of my political affiliation or label because often I see both sides. Also in terms of the death penalty, it's a personal moral of mine that death can never be justified, and no one can kill another. An eye for an eye, a death for a death should not continue to this day, this is usually a democratic belief. I see why my alignment lies where it lies.
    - Maddy Schonberger

  23. The quiz said that I am a moderate liberal. I guess that I am not surprised by those results. I know that on social issues such as abortion and gay marriage rights I am firmly liberal. I am not the most educated on welfare programs but as far as taxing goes I am also decently liberal in my ideals. Don't take the most from the people who have the least. On many of the questions posed in the quiz I simply didnt put an answer down because I do not know much about the subject. The three strike rule, for instance seems a little severe and I personally don't know how I feel about the death penalty either but I just don't know. As far as free trade and defense spending go I only know what I've been told, and that information comes with a slant so I tread carefully about how to answer those questions as well. Overall I am not surprised with the results this quiz yielded.

  24. I was a moderate liberal. This makes sense to me because I do not believe the government should increase spending on military or drug prohibition. Furthermore, I understand the importance of business regulations to prevent companies from taking advantage of the economy. Lastly, I believe that gay marriage and abortion should be allowed.

  25. I was told I am a slightly libertarian leaning liberal. This is not especially surprising to me as I am, for the most part, in favor of the government having a strong influence over the economy and enterprise but do believe that in some cases, there should be less stringent regulations on certain economic aspects. I do think, however, that any segments of the government that go unregulated should be heavily supervised as they could open opportunities for the poor to be exploited. I am also very liberal in my views on social issues, for example I believe the benefits of marriage should be extended to all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, also I believe that the death penalty should be outlawed and that there should be reforms in the prison system. This quiz placed be pretty much were i expected but I did think that some of the questions were a bit vague.

  26. The quiz determined me to be a moderate liberal, which i definitely agree with. I always thought i was left leaning but in no way an extremist. My beliefs on individual rights, such as abortion, were strongly liberal however some of my other answers on economics were moderate. For example I really have no opinion on social security. Some of these things may change as i get older and i can relate to more of the issues, but as of now i definitely agree that i fit in the moderate liberal spectrum.

  27. The survey found my ideology to be a Moderate Populist Conservative. I believe I was put in this category because of my feelings on the reduction of government influence in the economy. I believe the economy is better suited to succeed under free market conditions and private enterprises. However, I do oppose some Conservative principles, mainly the right for women to have an abortion, which I believe should be their decision. I was not very surprised by the results because I do consider myself a Republican, although I thought I would be further right on the scale.

  28. According to the survey we took, my political ideology is considered to be Centrist. I agree a little more with social issues like the increase in job availability for minorities and women. According to the average young educated teen, my slightly leftward liberal views are not uncommon. Most educated people my age are more liberal than conservative and agree with social issues over economic issues. My views are also more upwards towards being a Libertarian than a Populist. This is due to the want of a smaller, weaker government that has less control over its citizens. For example, I agreed with privatizing social security, which increases my economic issues percentage. This conservative outlook falls in place with the Libertarian view of politics.

  29. I took the quiz and was not surprised to find out that I was liberal leaning libertarian. I am very liberal on social issues, which explains my high score on social issues. I do not think that government should dictate people's individual freedoms, and support gay marriage and abortion. On economic issues, I was a little more conservative. I wasn't fully conservative, but my score was around 50%, which is significantly lower. This isn't surprising to me because I do want the government to help out its citizens, but I am a little more realistic. I believe everyone should receive help, but I understand why someone wouldn't want to pay higher taxes to support a government program such as ObamaCare. Additionally, I support free market economics, another conservative policy.

  30. The quiz told me that I was a leftist liberal, which I did not find surprising. I am pretty liberal on social issues. I am very pro-choice, and I believe that gay marriage is protected by the civil rights amendment. While I don't know so much about economic issues, I am brought up in an environment with liberal parents so I have been taught that, and also, I do believe that the government's job is to help people. I think that people who are more fortunate should help those who are less fortunate, and the government has a right to regulate that because otherwise not as much would get done.

  31. On the Ideology quiz I received a 70% personal score and a 12% economic score which labeled me as a populist-leaning liberal. I was not extremely surprised by this result, I've always thought of myself as left-leaning, but I was more to the left and less moderate than I thought I would be. I am tolerant of the lifestyle choices of other people which is why I believe my social score was pretty high, but I do support stricter drug laws which is a more conservative view. This opposition is what I believe kept my social score from rising even higher. As for my economic score, I never thought much about my opinion on government involvement in the economy before this quiz. After responding to statements such as more federal funding for health coverage, privatizing social security and support and expand free trade (which I support, oppose and slightly oppose respectively) I realized that I do believe it is the governments job to help distribute the wealth and manage the money of citizens. My strong belief that a central government should be behind the American economy is probably why I am populist leaning.

  32. When i took the quiz i got a Liberal Populist, receiving a 54% on the personal score and and a 16% on the economic score. I was a tad bit surprised that i wasn't on the center of moderate, because i have never thought i would see my self leaning towards the left but always in the midst of both sides. I am conservative when it comes to certain issues, especially ethical ones, but in general i am neither conservative nor liberal on social issues, and that probably explains why my personal score was right at about half. Regarding government involvement in daily lives, i believe that the government MODERATELY needs to alleviate social ills, level and balance the wealth, and strive to make the gap between the rich and the poor. I emphasize moderately because i believe its also up to the individual to help him/herself, and to not solely depend on the government to change their lives. If dependency is the case, the country will suffer, the rich will have to get taxed higher to pay for the needs of the poor( Which i believe should not a requirement unless the country is in heavy debt), and out debts just rise to the ceiling. I don't think the result i got on the quiz is exactly what describes me, in fact its a little tilted to the left.

  33. When i took the quiz i got a Liberal Populist, receiving a 54% on the personal score and and a 16% on the economic score. I was a tad bit surprised that i wasn't on the center of moderate, because i have never thought i would see my self leaning towards the left but always in the midst of both sides. I am conservative when it comes to certain issues, especially ethical ones, but in general i am neither conservative nor liberal on social issues, and that probably explains why my personal score was right at about half. Regarding government involvement in daily lives, i believe that the government MODERATELY needs to alleviate social ills, level and balance the wealth, and strive to make the gap between the rich and the poor. I emphasize moderately because i believe its also up to the individual to help him/herself, and to not solely depend on the government to change their lives. If dependency is the case, the country will suffer, the rich will have to get taxed higher to pay for the needs of the poor( Which i believe should not a requirement unless the country is in heavy debt), and out debts just rise to the ceiling. I don't think the result i got on the quiz is exactly what describes me, in fact its a little tilted to the left.
